Last summer, during a trip to Toronto, I managed to squeeze in a last-minute photoshoot with Jazz. When she reached out to me, she explained her reasons for wanting to do a shoot. In her words:

“I have struggled with body image issues most of my life. Through this photoshoot, I want to see how beautiful my body looks and it will help other women like me to get validation of their bodies.”

While these photos only scratch the surface, I am glad I got the chance to work with Jazz.

plus-sized woman's shaved vulva and breasts
naked plus-sized woman in bed spreading her legs open
close up of bbw's shaved pussy, her wetness dripping down her lips
bbw using her dildo to spread open her pussy lips
view from behind of plus-sized woman riding her dildo, spreading her ass cheeks to reveal her anus

These nude portraits of Zoé Meyer were taken 10 years ago at her home in Montreal. I have previously shared some images from this set in social media, but I am publishing them here for the first time. To mark the occasion, I have given them a new coat of paint, and I am also publishing some previously unreleased photos from this photo shoot.

Nude blonde woman in the bathroom reflected by two mirrors at different angles
Voyeuristic view of nude blonde woman staring at herself in the mirror
Topless woman standing in front of her bathroom mirror
Nude woman sitting on her bed by the window with her cat
Portrait of naked woman on her bed with her cat
Nude blonde woman with blue eyes reclining on her couch
Portrait of naked woman lying on her bed

As I have done in the past (e.g., “Chloe: coda”, “Machinist: coda”), I am releasing another one of my “codas”—a second set of photos from a previous photoshoot—in this case, from my photoshoot with Lark.

Portrait of a bespectacled topless woman standing by the window
Topless woman lying on her side in bed
Woman on her bed with her skirt pulled up
View of woman from behind as she bends over
Woman wearing ripped fishnets while bending over against the wall
Skirtless woman looking back at the camera as she leans against the wall
Woman spreading her buttocks, showing her anus and wet vagina
Woman looking back at the camera as she bends over to reveal her vagina
Shaved vagina viewed from behind framed by ripped fishnets
Woman ripping her fishnets to reveal her anus
Naked woman crouching by the windowsill
Close-up of woman's erect nipple and tattooed arms
Woman standing in fire escape stairs spreading her buttocks
Woman spreading her labia and showing her clitoris
Close-up of woman's vagina and dry vaginal discharge
Detail of a woman's shaved vagina with the word 'sin' tattooed on her mound

A while back I added a new gallery featuring a selection of my early work. "The Garden" series is comprised of photographs dating back to the late 2000’s, and includes some previously unreleased work. It has taken some time, but I am now publishing in this blog some additional images from this series.

The photographs from “The Garden” were first published years before I built this website. The internet is an ephemeral medium, and some of the images that I published early on have, for better or for worse, mostly disappeared from the web (Tumblr’s porn ban played a large part in that). Giving them a home here is part of an effort to curate and preserve some of those photos.

Going through my early catalogue was also an excuse to do a bit of gardening: cropping a little here, shifting some tones there, etc. Most of these photographs were created using rudimentary tools, including a poorly calibrated monitor, so this was an opportunity to compensate for the technical limitations of the equipment I used at the time.

Here are a few additional selections from the garden.

Woman holding her partner's erect penis with her hand to perform fellatio
Erect penis penetrating vagina
Couple having sex on the kitchen counter
Woman bending dow to show her feet, vagina, and anus
Macro photo of woman's wet vagina
Semen dripping out of woman's vagina
Woman sticking out her tongue to touch man's erect penis
Man approaching woman from behind with his erect penis
Couple having sex in stairs landing
the artist's desk when he was a young man

“Encuéntrame en el Parque de la Fertilidad a las cinco”, le había dicho a Beatrice en medio del ruido. Para llegar, había tomado un bus por la Avenida de los Urapanes, dejándolo en la entrada femenina del parque. En el otro extremo, se veía el imponente perfil del enorme falo, la textura de la roca invisible por la distancia.

Atravesó la vulva de piedra, sin poder evitar mirar hacia atrás, y tomó el conocido camino de las musas. Al llegar a la Fuente de los Amantes, quiso beber un trago de agua, pero para su decepción, la fuente estaba seca. Aún sediento y tratando de ignorar el augurio, prosiguió su camino hasta llegar al extremo masculino del parque. Cansado, apoyó su espalda contra el falo.

Es difícil decir cuánto tiempo pasó, pero desde su llegada, la sombra del falo se había trasladado lentamente de un lado al otro del suelo, marcando el pasar del tiempo como un reloj de sol. Ahora el viento traía retazos desechados de papel con inscripciones hechas a mano; una serie de versos escritos sobre el otrora calendario lunar que servía de folleto para los visitantes del parque. No fue necesario mirar dos veces para reconocer en ellos su puño y letra.

Fue entonces cuando comenzó a llover. Al principio, los truenos en el cielo solo habían logrado conjurar unas pocas gotas, pero lentamente, la tormenta se había erguido sobre su cabeza, escupiendo tanta lluvia que parecía que cayesen chorros. Resignado, abotonó su gabardina y comenzó su camino de regreso. Beatrice no había venido hoy tampoco.